Dance Hosting

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A dance host is someone who attends USA Dance-LA dances and dances with people, in particular people who don't look like they are dancing much. The idea is to make our dances as friendly and interesting and as fun for as many people as we can.

This year, we are asking for both dance hosts (Males) and dance hostesses (Female).

Dance host scheduling and communications are being handled online via the USA Dance LA Subgroup . To participate, you must create an online user account. There is no cost or other obligation involved in this. It simply provides for a more efficient means of organizing and coordinating these volunteer efforts moving forward.

As part of the account creation process, you will be able to request a subscription to the USA Dance LA Subgroup. If you already have an online account,  but are not a member of the USA Dance LA Subgroup, you will need to request a subscription to this group.

Once you have an online user account and are a member of the USA Dance LA Subgroup, you can use the Volunteer Timeslots event scheduling mechanism to volunteer for the timeslots for which you wish to volunteer as a dance host.

Here is the rundown on dance hosting.

  • Be at the dance when it starts. You don't need to be at the lesson unless you'd like to.

  • Check in at the door. Dance hosts get 50% off admission.*

    On the half price, there are some stipulations. Only dance hosts who RSVP and volunteer online by the week before the dance will be eligible for the discount. The discount is only offered to USA Dance members. As our rent has been raised, we do welcome full price admission from those who purely wish to volunteer.
  • At the door you will get a lapel pin that lets people know you're a host.

  • When the dance starts, please take the initiative and start asking NEW women and men to dance. You can spot them easily because they are a bit shy, usually standing at the edge of the dance floor waiting for someone to ask them or afraid to ask someone.

  • Dance one or two dances with them and then go hunting again.
  • We're always up for promoting membership in USA Dance, but it's not necessary to sell at all. If you're up for talking about it, they can sign up for membership at the door.

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