Email Notifications

Primary tabs

By default, when an item is posted to the USA Dance LA group, you will receive an email notification of this post.

Email notifications sent from the web site look something like this:

comment 'Feb 17' by Jeffrey the Barak

Looks like a majority for the 17th. Please confirm the place and time
when you are ready.

View original:
Post reply:

You are subscribed to the group 'USA Dance, Los Angeles Chapter 4031' at Central Avenue Dance Ensemble.
To manage your subscription, visit

DO NOT REPLY to these emails. They are only for notification purposes. If you wish to respond to an email, please follow the link that says "Post reply" and add your comment to the original post.


Reply Only to Person Who Created the Post

It is possible to send a reply to ONLY the person who submitted the post for which you have received a notification. Do not reply to the email notification. Instead, click on the link which says "View original" or "Read more". This will take you to the posting online. Once you are looking at a post online, simply locate the username of the person who posted it. This is normally located at the bottom of the post, next to the date posted.


Usernames on Posts


Many times, in teasers, you will also see the username of the poster. If the username is clickable, click on it. You will see the profile for the user.


User Profile


If the user allows private emails to be sent to him via the web site, you will see a "Contact" tab. Click on the "Contact" tab to bring up the Contact form.


User Contact Form


Use the above form to send a private email to a specific user.


Cancel Email Notifications

If you do not wish to receive email notifications of posts to this group, you can turn this feature off.

Whether or not to receive email notifications is set in two places: Your Account Personal Profile and your group My Subscripton pages.

To get to the My Subscription page, click on the "Groups" link wherever it appears on the website.


Groups Link


This will take you to a page which lists all listable groups on the website.


Groups List


Click on the "My Groups" tab to list only the groups you belong to.


My Groups


In the "Manage" column of this list, you will see a link "my subscription" for each group. Click on the "my subscription" link associated with the USA Dance LA group. This will bring up the "My Subscription" page for that group.


My Subscription


You will see by default that your Personal Profile is configured to always receive email notification of group posts. If you wish to change this, click on the "personal profile" link. This will take you to your account Personal Profile edit screen.


Personal Profile


Under "Organic groups settings", you will see "Email settings". Here, you can leave this at the default, or select "Never send email notifications." to stop receiving email notifications of group posts altogether. A third option is "Selectively send email notification...". If you belong to more than one group, then you may wish to receive email notifications from one, but not the other. If this is the case, then select the "Selectively..." option.

In any case, you must click on the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page in order to save your changes.

If you select "Selectively send email notification...", then your "My Subscription" page for the USA Dance LA group will look like this:

My Subscription 02


<>Account Personal Profile

Not to confuse the matter, there is another way to get to your Account Personal Profile page. You can click on the "My Account" link, wherever it appers on your screen. This will normall be in the main navigation menu which appears on the top left column when you are not in a group context, and in the bottom right column when you are in a group context, such as USA Dance LA. When you click on the "My Account" link, you will see your Account Personal Profile page.


My Account


Click on the "Edit" tab to edit your Personal Profile. When you click on the "Edit" tab, you will see an edit screen that includes the "Email notifications" settings displayed above.