Posting / Viewing Meeting Minutes

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Enter MInutes

In order to post Minutes to a Meeting (Event), you must first create the event.

Minutes can only be posted to existing Events, so you must first navigate to the Event to which you wish to post Minutes.

First, go to or "View" the Meeting event to which the Minutes are to be posted. To locate the event, you can click on the "Group calendar " link or the "Events " link located in the group's navigation menus.


Locate Events


When you see the Meeting event you want, click on it. This will bring up the details for the event. At the bottom of the event screen, you will see a link titled "Post minutes for this event". Click on this link.


Post Minutes from Event


When you click on the "post minutes for this event" link, you will see a new "Submit Minutes" form:


Submit Minutes 01


The Title is pre-populated as you see above. You can edit the displayed Title to whatever you wish. You enter the actual minutes into the Minutes box. You can select the users who attended by clicking on the appropriate usernames in the "Attendees" section. However, it is recommended that you simply enter the usernames of the attendees in the "Extra Attendees" section.


Submit Minutes 02


The "Groups" section should have "USA Dance LA" checked. Only check the "Public" if you want this post to be displayed to the general public. If you would like to attach a file, you must click on the "Browse" button to get to the file on your local hard drive. Remember that you absolutely must click on the "Attach" button to upload the file to the website. If you submit this page without "Attaching" the file, it will NOT appear in the Minutes.

Click on the "Submit" button to create this post and attach it to the event.<>

You can only make one Minutes post per event.

View Posted Minutes

If Minutes have been posted to the Event (Meeting) you are currently viewing, you will see a link at the bottom of this post which will say: "view minutes for this event". Click on this link to see the posted Minutes:

You can easily add comments to them by clicking on the "Add comments" button at the bottom of the "View" screens for each. It is via comments that you can create discussions on items posted.

When viewing Minutes, you can return to the Event (Meeting) these minutes are posted to by clicking on the "Event" link displayed at the bottom of the view.


View Minutes